डॉ. शोभित सिंह चौहान
वरिष्ठ। वैज्ञानिक
Academic Qualifications
Contact Details
डॉ. शोभित सिंह चौहान
वरिष्ठ। वैज्ञानिक
6890 / 2567760
- Flow switch erratic characteristics in cascade pumping system and remedial solution; Shobhit Singh Chauhan, Mahesh L. Sanghani, Journal of the Instrument Society of India 2014, 44 (3), 169-170.
- Structural, Optical, and pH-Stimulus Response Properties of Cresol Red Immobilized Nanocomposite Silica Films Derived by a Sol−Gel Process Employing Different Synthetic Routes; Shobhit Singh Chauhan, R. V. Jasra, and A. L. Sharma, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 18863-18872.
- Phenol red dye functionalized nanostructured silica films as optical filters and pH sensors; Shobhit singh Chauhan, R V Jasra, A L Sharma; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51, 10381−10389.
- Dye immobilized mesoporous silica thin films as optical pH sensor; Shobhit Singh Chauhan, R V Jasra, A L Sharma, International Journal of Nanoscience 11(3), 2012, 120001-1-120001-5.
Papers presented in conferences
- Shobhit Singh Chauhan, R V Jasra, A L Sharma, Study of physical and optical pH sensing characteristics of functionalized nanostructured silica thin films, Applications of Ion Beam in Device Fabrication and Nanotechnology, March 5-6, 2012, School of Instrumentation, DAVV, Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
- Shobhit Singh Chauhan, R V Jasra, A L Sharma, Optical functions of nanostructured silica films for pH sensing Third International Conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology, (COCHIN NANO2011), August 14-17, 2011, Kochi, Kerala.
- Shobhit Singh Chauhan, R V Jasra, A L Sharma, Dye immobilized mesoporous silica thin film as optical pH sensor, International Conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (NANOS-2010), December, 17-19, 2010, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
- Shobhit Singh Chauhan, R V Jasra, A L Sharma, Mesoporous Silica Thin Films - A Reliable Sensor for Measuring pH of Water, International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science and Technology, (ICMST-2010), October, 29-31, 2010, Trivandrum, Kerala.
- Shobhit Singh Chauhan, R V Jasra, A L Sharma, Optical sensor for pH measurement, 6th All Gujarat Research Scholars Meet (AGRSM-VI), January 31, 2010, M. S. University, Vadodara, Gujarat.
Invited Book chapter
Photofunctions of Dye Encapsulated Nanostructured Silica Films Suitable for Optical Filter Application, Shobhit Singh Chauhan, A. L. Sharma and R. V. Jasra, Eds. Ajay Bansal and Rajesh J. Tayade, Engineering Applications of Nanoscience and Nanomaterials, Materials Science Forum, 757, 257-269
Design and development of equipments, mesoporous material thin films with appliations to optical pH sensor and optical filter, Management of analytical and process control instruments
Optical sensors, Instrumentation & Electronics