ડો. વી.વીરગુરુનાથન
વરિષ્ઠ વૈજ્ .ાનિક
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ડો. વી.વીરગુરુનાથન
વરિષ્ઠ વૈજ્ .ાનિક
/ 241422
Research publications (Top ten /latest)
- Veeragurunathan V, NileshVadodariya, Jai Prakash Chaudhary,Azazgogda, Saminathan KR ,RamavatarMeena (2018) Experimental cultivation of Gelidium pusillum in open sea along southeast Indian coast. IJMS,47(02),336-345
- Mantri VA , K. Eswaran, M.Shanmugam,M. Ganesan,V. Veeragurunathan, S. Thiruppathi, C.R.K. Reddy, Abhiram Seth (2017) An appraisal on commercial farming of Kappaphycus alvarezii in India: success in diversification of livelihood and prospects. Journal of Applied Phycology, 29, 335-357.
- Mantri VA, Ashok KS , Mohammad Musamil T , Gobalkrishnan M, Saminathan KR, Behraa DP , Veeragurunathan V, Eswaran K , Thiruppathi S, Pothal JK, Ghosh PK (2017) Tube-net farming and device for efficient tissue segregation for industrially important agarophytes Gracilaria edulis (Rhodophyta). Aquacultural Engineering, 77, 132-135.
- Ashok, K.S., P. Harikrishn, M.Gobala Krishnan, K.R. Saminathan, N. Monisha, J. Malarvizhi, Veeragurunathan V, Vaibhav A. Mantri J. Rajasankar (2016) Does orientation of raft helps in augmenting yield during lean period?: A case study of Gracilaria edulis cultivation in open sea by vertical raft alignment along the south-eastern coast of India. Aquacultural Engineering, 74,186-197.
- Veeragurunathan V, Kamlesh Prasad, Nripat Singh, Malarvizhi J, Mandal SK, Mantri VA (2016) Growth and biochemical characterization of green and red strains of the tropical agarophytes Gracilaria debilis and Gracilaria edulis (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology 28:3479–34895
- Monica G K ,Veeragurunathan V (2016) Development of zygote for seed production of Sargassum swartzii in India. Journal of Applied Phycology 28:2875–2882
- Veeragurunathan V, Eswaran K, Malarvizhi J, Gobalakrishnan M (2014 a) Cultivation of Gracilaria dura in the open sea along the southeast coast of India. Journal of Applied Phycology 27 (6) : 2353-2365
- Veeragurunathan V, Eswaran K, Saminathan KR, Mantri VA, Malar vizhi J, Ajay G, Jha B (2014) Feasibility of Gracilaria dura cultivation in the open sea on the Southeastern coast of India. Aquaculture 438: 68–74
- Saminathan KR, Ashok K S, Veeragurunathan V, Mantri VA (2014). Seedling production in the industrially important agarophyte Gracilaria dura (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology DOI 10.1007/s10811-014-0450-z.
Books/ Book chapters (Best five/latest five) -NIL-
- US patent: Device for seaweed harvesting. US9736984B2. Ghosh PK, Mantri VA, Pothal JK, Veeragurunathan V and Thirupathi S date of patent granted: 22.08.2017.
Poster presentation (best five/latest five)
- Presented the poster on “Present status of the Kappaphycus alvarezii in Indian scenario” in a National Conference on “Status of Invasive Alien Species in India” organized by Botanical Survey of India and Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata on 14th-15th December,2017
Professional recognition/Awards/prize/fellowships
- Recognized reviewer by Bio-resource Technology journal
- ‘‘Best Poster Presentation Award” in a National Conference on “Status of Invasive Alien Species in India” organized by Botanical Survey of India and Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata on 14th-15th December,2017
Members of scientific societies
Life time membership in Seaweed Research Utilization and Association, India
Research project handled
- Screening and selection of carrageenophytes for iota and lambda carrageenan and development of feasible cultivation methods for their scaled up farming –funded by CSIR, New Delhi (2010-2013) Rs 50.9 lakhs
- Scaled up farming for technology demonstration of promising seaweeds –funded by CSIR, New Delhi (2013-2016) Rs 45 lakhs
- Impact of large scale cultivation of seaweeds on coastal environment of India –funded by NCSCM, Chennai (MOEF, New Delhi) (2013-2015) Rs 54.42
- K-TEN (Potash to empower the nation) (CSIR Network Project) –funded by CSIR, New Delhi (2013-2017) Rs 401 lakhs
- Low hanging fruits –funded by CSIR, New Delhi (2016-2017) Rs 30 lakhs
Dissertations guided PhD No- MSc No-1
As a team member in a project titled “Screening and selection of carrageenophytes for iota and lambda carrageenan and development of feasible cultivation methods for their scaled up farming” (P.Co: OLP-0046), involving in Gracilaria edulis cultivation at Thonithurai and Off-shore Kappaphycus cultivation at Palk Bay region in Tamilnadu. In CSIR 800 project, as team member, I engaged in Survey of Andhra and Oddisa seashore areas for selecting suitable site for Kappaphycus cultivation.
Marine algal Biology and Ecology, phycocolloid analysis, nutritional physiology (Nitrogen source) and bio-chemistry (Nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase enzyme activities) in red algae, culture and cultivation of seaweeds.