ડો.અનિલ કુમાર એમ
વરિષ્ઠ વૈજ્ .ાનિક
Academic Qualifications
M. Tech., PhD.
Contact Details
ડો.અનિલ કુમાર એમ
વરિષ્ઠ વૈજ્ .ાનિક
632 / 2567760
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List of Publications in SCI Journals
- P.G. Moradeeya, A. Sharma, M.A. Kumar and S. Basha, “Titanium dioxide based nano composites – Current trends and emerging strategies for the photocatalytic degradation of ruinous environmental pollutants”, Environmental Research (Accepted – In Press), 2022.
- R. Natarajan, M.A. Kumar and V.K Vaidyanathan, “Synthesis and characterization of rhamnolipid based chitosan magnetic nanosorbents for the removal of acetaminophen from aqueous solution”, Chemosphere, 288: 132532, 2022.
- H. Chandarana, P.S. Kumar M. Seenuvasan and M.A. Kumar*, “Kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamic investigations of methylene blue dye removal using Casuarina equisetifolia pines”, Chemosphere, 285: 131480, 2021.
- M. Kikani, B. Gopal, C. Amit and M.A. Kumar*, “Chemo-metrically formulated consortium with selectively screened bacterial strains for ameliorated biotransformation and detoxification of 1,4-dioxane”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 413: 125456, 2021.
- H. Chandarana, S. Suganya, P.S. Kumar, and M.A. Kumar*, “Evaluation of phase transfer kinetics and thermodynamic equilibria of Reactive Orange 16 sorption onto chemically improved Arachis hypogaea pod powder”, Chemosphere, 276: 130136, 2021.
- Y. Shah, A. Yadav, MA Kumar*, MG Kavale, K. Prasad and V. Mantri, “Proof of concept’ for how diameter affected growth and agar content in industrially important farmed red seaweed Gracilaria dura”, Journal of Applied Phycology, 33: 2349–2358, 2021.
- A.K. Naruka, S. Suganya, P.S. Kumar, C. Amit, A. Katakpara, D. Bhatt and M.A. Kumar*, “Kinetic modelling of high turbid water flocculation using native and surface functionalized coagulants prepared from shed-leaves of Avicennia marina plants”, Chemosphere, 272: 129894, 2021.
- D.K. Pandya and MA Kumar*, “Chemo-metric engineering designs for deciphering the biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 411: 125154, 2021.
- D. Thiruselvi, P.S. Kumar, M.A. Kumar, C. Lay, S. Aathika, Y. Mani et al., “A critical review on biogas production potential and latest biogas upgradation techniques: Application in fuel cell and future perspectives”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46: 16734-16750, 2021.
- H. Chandarana, S. Suganya and M.A. Kumar*, “Surface functionalized Casuarina equisetifolia pine powder for the removal of hetero-polyaromatic dye: Characteristics and adsorption”, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2020. DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2020.1798418
- D. Thiruselvi, M. Yuvarani, A. Salma, Y. Arafath, D. Jagadiswary, M.A. Kumar, D. Anuradha, P. Shanmugam and S. Sivanesan, “Enhanced biogas production from sewage sludge digestion using iron nano-catalyst from Vitex negundo leaf extract: Response surface modeling”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 18: 2161–2172, 2021.
- M.S. Goutam, R.N. Dholakiya and M.A. Kumar*, “Anthracene biotransformation using bacterial concoction of Enterobacter ludwigii strain GRAS-01 and Pantoea agglomerans strain GRAS-02”, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2020. DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2020.1803849
- C.G. Malar, M. Seenuvasan, K.S. Kumar, M.A. Kumar and R. Parthiban, “Review on surface modification of nanocarriers to overcome diffusion limitations: An immobilization aspect”, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 158: 107574, 2020.
- S. Ram, S.R. Tirkey, M.A. Kumar and S. Mishra, “Ameliorating process parameters for zeaxanthin yield in Arthrobacter gandavensis MTCC 25325”, AMB Express, 10: 69, 2020.
- A.K. Mariselvam, M.A. Kumar, C. Dharmaraj, E. Maharaj, N. Dhasarathan and S. Sivanesan, “Assessment of air quality index of urban area and epidemiological investigations in Chennai city”, Journal of Environmental Biology, 40:790–795, 2019.
- V. Karthikeyan, V.S. Praba, M.A. Kumar, M.P. Premkumar and S. Sivanesan, “Strain improvement of Pleurotus citrinopileatus MTCC 1796 for enhanced production of laccase enzymes and its environmental application”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 122: 293–297, 2018.
- R.N. Dholakiya, M.A. Kumar and K. Mody, ‘Production of anti-biofouling metabolites by Streptomyces sp. strain RD4 for its application in mitigating the bacterial biofilms’, Desalination and Water Treatment, 121: 275–283, 2018.
- R.N. Dholakiya, N. Joshi, M.A. Kumar and K. Mody, ‘Phenanthrene degradation using Streptomyces variabilis strain RD5 isolated from marine ecosystem’, Desalination and Water Treatment, 121: 250–255, 2018.
- M. Seenuvasan, J.R.G. Suganthi, G. Sarojini, G.C.G. Malar, M.E. Priya and M.A. Kumar, “Effective utilization of crustacean shells for preparing chitosan composite beads: Applications in ameliorating the biosorption of an endocrine disrupting heavy metal”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 121: 28–35, 2018.
- D. Thiruselvi, M. Yuvarani, T. Amudha, R. Sneha, A.K. Mariselvam, M.A. Kumar, P. Shanmugam and S. Sivanesan, “Synthesis of iron nano-catalyst using Acalypha indica leaf extracts for biogas production from mixed liquor volatile suspended solids”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 40(7): 772–779, 2018.
- V. Karthikeyan, M.A. Kumar, P. Mohanapriya, T. Amudha, D. Thiruselvi, P. Karthik and S. Sivanesan, “Biodegradation of Remazol Brilliant Blue R using isolated bacterial culture (Staphylococcus sp. K2204)”, Environmental Technology, 39(22): 2900–2907, 2018.
- D.J.H. Sathya, A.M. Turakhia, M.A. Kumar, N. Balaji, S. Selvanaveen, G. Vinodhini and M. Seenuvasan, “Bioethanol from saccharificed lignocellulosic rich Aloe vera rinds using Saccharomyces cerevisiae MTCC 4779”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 39(13): 1347–1352, 2017.
- N. Joshi, R.N. Dholakiya, M.A. Kumar and K.H. Mody, “Recycling of starch processing industrial wastewater as a sole nutrient source for the bioflocculant production”, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 36(5): 1458–1465, 2017.
- M.A. Kumar, P.A. Zamana, V.V. Kumar, P. Baskaralingam, K.V. Thiruvengadaravi, T. Amudha and S. Sivanesan, “Achromobacter xylosoxidans strain APZ for phthalocyanine dye degradation: Chemo-metric optimization and canonical correlation analyses”, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 18: 73–82, 2017.
- M.A. Kumar, S. Poonam, V.V. Kumar, G. Baskar, M. Seenuvasan, D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Mineralization of aromatic amines liberated during the degradation of a sulfonated textile colorant using Klebsiella pneumoniae strain AHM”, Process Biochemistry 57: 181–189, 2017.
- M. Seenuvasan, S.J. Sanjayini, M.A. Kumar, G. Vinodhini, J.H. Sathya and V.V. Kumar, “Cellulase mediated saccharification of lignocellulosic rich pseudostem of Musa cavendish for bio-ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae MTCC 4779”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 39(6): 570–575, 2017.
- J. Komal, M.A. Kumar, K.V. Thiruvengadaravi, D. Nilavunesan, M.P. Premkumar, V.V. Kumar and S. Sivanesan, “Indigenously acclimatized bacterial consortium for anthracene biotransformation”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 39(5): 528–537, 2017.
- M.A. Kumar, Vigneshwaran, M.E. Priya, M. Seenuvasan, V.V. Kumar, D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Concocted bacterial consortium for the detoxification and mineralization of azoic-cum-sulfonic textile mill effluent”, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 16C: 199–205, 2017.
- P. Moradeeya, M.A. Kumar, R.B. Thorat, M. Rathod, Y. Khambhaty and S. Basha, “Nanocellulose for biosorption of chlorpyrifos from water: Chemometric optimization, kinetics and equilibrium” Cellulose, 24: 1319–1332, 2017.
- M.A. Kumar, D.K. Harthy, V.V. Kumar, K.G. Balashri, M. Seenuvasan, D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Detoxification of a triphenylmethane textile colorant using acclimated cells of Bacillus mannanilyticus strain AVS”, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 36 (2): 394–403, 2017.
- N. Balaji, K.S. Kumar, G. Vinodhini, M. Seenuvasan and M.A. Kumar, “Immobilization of laccase onto micro-emulsified magnetic nanoparticles for enhanced degradation of a textile recalcitrant”, Journal of Environmental Biology, 37 (6): 1489–1496, 2016.
- M.A. Kumar, R. Priyadarshini, M. Seenuvasan, V.V. Kumar, D. Nilavunesan, D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Biotransformation and detoxification of a greater tinctorial textile colorant using an isolated bacterial strain”, Journal of Environmental Biology, 37 (6): 1497–1506, 2016.
- M.A. Kumar, V.V. Kumar, R. Ponnusamy, F.P. Daniel, M. Seenuvasan, C.D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Concomitant mineralization and detoxification of acid red 88 by an indigenous acclimated mixed culture”, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 34 (5): 1455–1466, 2015.
- S. Karthikeyan, M.A. Kumar, P. Maharaja, B.P. Rao and G. Sekaran, “Process optimization for the treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater catalyzed by poly sulpha sponge”, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 45(4): 1739–1747, 2014.
- M. Seenuvasan, K.S. Kumar, G.C.G. Malar, S. Preethi, M.A. Kumar and N. Balaji, “Characterization, analysis, and application of fabricated Fe3O4-chitosan-pectinase nanobiocatalyst”, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 172(5): 2706–2719, 2014.
- T. Vidhyadevi, A. Murugesan, S.S. Kalaivani, M.A. Kumar, K.V.T. Ravi, L. Ravikumar, C.D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Optimization of the process parameters for the removal of reactive yellow dye by the low cost Setaria verticillata carbon using response surface methodology: Thermodynamic, kinetic and equilibrium studies”, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 33(3): 855–865, 2014.
- M. Seenuvasan, P.K. Selvi, M.A. Kumar, J. Iyyappan and K.S. Kumar, “Standardization of non-edible Pongamia pinnata oil methyl ester conversion using hydroxyl content and GC-MS analysis”, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 45(4): 1485–1489, 2013.
- M. Seenuvasan, G.C.G. Malar, S. Preethi, N. Balaji, J. Iyyappan, M.A. Kumar and K.S. Kumar, “Fabrication, characterization and application of pectin degrading Fe3O4-SiO2 nanobiocatalyst”, Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications, 33: 2273–2279, 2013.
- M. Seenuvasan, G.C.G. Malar, S. Preethi, N. Balaji, J. Iyyappan, M.A. Kumar and K.S. Kumar, “Immobilization of pectinase on to co-precipitated magnetic nanoparticles for its enhanced stability and activity”, Research Journal of BioTechnology, 8(5): 24–30, 2013.
- M.A. Kumar, V.V. Kumar, M.P. Premkumar, P. Baskaralingam, K.V. Thiruvengadaravi, D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Chemometric formulation of bacterial consortium-AVS for improved decolorization of resonance-stabilized and hetero-polyaromatic dyes”, Bioresource Technology, 123: 344–351, 2012.
- G.C.G. Malar, M. Seenuvasan, K.S. Kumar and M.A. Kumar, “Instrumental methods in surface property analysis of magnetic nanoparticles”, R.P. Kumar and B. Bharathiraja, Nanomaterials- Application in Biofuels and Bioenergy Production Systems, Academic Press, Elsevier, 2021.
- S. Suganya & M.A. Kumar*, “An economic perspective of biowaste valorization for extended sustainability”, V. Jerold, Sustainable Bioprocessing for Clean and Green Environment: Concepts and Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
- M. Kikani, C. Amit, D.R. Gangapur, M. Seenuvasan & M.A. Kumar*, “Bio-based coagulants for the remediation of environmental pollutants”, V. Jerold, Sustainable Bioprocessing for Clean and Green Environment: Concepts and Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
- D.K. Pandya, C. Helly, M. Seenuvasan, S. Ray & M.A. Kumar*, “Modelling microbial communities: Consensual among experimentalist and theorist”, M. Shah, Microbial Community Structure of Waste Water Treatment Reactors, Elsevier, 2021.
- M. Muduli, V. Sonpal, K. Trivedi, S. Haldar, M.A. Kumar & S. Ray, “Enhanced biological phosphate removal process for wastewater treatment: A sustainable approach” M. Shah, Microbial Community Structure of Waste Water Treatment Reactors, Elsevier, 2021.
- G.C.G. Malar, M. Seenuvasan, K.S. Kumar and M.A. Kumar, “Synthesis and Applications of Chitosan: A Contemporary Macromolecule” Das S., Dash H.R., Microbial and Natural Macromolecules: Synthesis and Applications, Academic Press, Elsevier, 2021.
- S. Suganya, S. Haldar & M.A. Kumar, “Bacterial attachments by EPS to polymeric membranes for various applications” Das S., Dash H.R., Microbial and Natural Macromolecules: Synthesis and Applications, Academic Press, Elsevier, 2020.
- V. Vinothini, A. Sowmiya, M.A. Kumar & M. Seenuvasan, “Recent Advancements and Applications of Nanotechnology in Waste Water Treatment” Jerold V., Subramanian S.V., Biochemical and Environmental Bioprocessing: Challenges & Developments, CRC Press, 2019.
- A. Dave, M. Bhatt & M.A. Kumar, “Approaches for recovering bio-based products from municipal & industrial wastes” Varjani S, Pandey A, Edward G, Khanal SK, Raveendran S., Current Developments in Biotechnology & Bioengineering: Resource Recovery from Wastes, Elsevier, 2019.
- N. Joshi, M.A. Kumar & K.H. Mody, “Bioflocculated industrial wastewater for ameliorating bioflocculant production” Varjani S., Pandey A., Edward G., Khanal S.K., Raveendran S., Current Developments in Biotechnology & Bioengineering: Resource Recovery from Wastes, Elsevier, 2019.
- C. Amit, H. Chandarana, M.A. Kumar and V. Sunita, “Nano-technological interventions for the decontamination of water and wastewater” Bui X., Chiemchaisri C., Fujioka T., Varjani S., Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Springer, 2019.
- D.N. Riddhi, M.A. Kumar and K.H. Mody, “Streptomyces cavourensis strain RD7 mediated decolorization of aromatic industrial dye”, Water Quality Management, Water Science & Technology Library, Springer, 2018.
- M.A. Kumar, P. Baskaralingam, A.R.S. Aathika and S. Sivanesan, “Role of Bacterial Consortia in Bioremediation of Textile Recalcitrant Compounds” In: Varjani S., Edward G., Gurunathan B., Pant D., Zakaria Z. (eds) Waste Bioremediation. Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Springer, 2018.
Bioremediation of potential water pollutants (dyes, pesticides and organics). Preparation of bio-based materials for remediating high turbid waters. Chemo-metric tools for the production of microbial metabolites and degradation of xenobiotic compounds.
Environmental Engineer with over 9 years’ experience in diverse sectors; LNG terminals, ship breaking yards, ports & harbors. Expertise in core functional areas like Marine ecosystem, Water pollution, Solid (municipal, industrial hazardous) waste management, Risk & hazard management, Impact mapping, mitigation and preparation of Environmental Management Plan. Approved by NABET, Quality Council of India as Functional Area Expert of o Water Pollution Monitoring and Pollution Control o Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Professional environmental monitoring/impact assessment with expertise in marine outfall of CETPs particularly dyeing & allied industries. Approved EIA coordinator (EC) for Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) Requisite knowledge in microbial biotechnology like strain improvement, bioprocessing, downstream processing of enzymes & microbial metabolites. Trained in the Implementation & Internal Audit as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard requisite for NABL accreditation for chemical/biological scope of sampling with subsequent testing.