અનિલ કુમાર

ડો.અનિલ કુમાર એમ

વરિષ્ઠ વૈજ્ .ાનિક

Academic Qualifications

M. Tech., PhD.

Contact Details

ડો.અનિલ કુમાર એમ

વરિષ્ઠ વૈજ્ .ાનિક


632 / 2567760

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Scopus Author ID: 55347244700

List of Publications in SCI Journals

  1. P.G. Moradeeya, A. Sharma, M.A. Kumar and S. Basha, “Titanium dioxide based nano composites – Current trends and emerging strategies for the photocatalytic degradation of ruinous environmental pollutants”, Environmental Research (Accepted – In Press), 2022.
  2. R. Natarajan, M.A. Kumar and V.K Vaidyanathan, “Synthesis and characterization of rhamnolipid based chitosan magnetic nanosorbents for the removal of acetaminophen from aqueous solution”, Chemosphere, 288: 132532, 2022.
  3. H. Chandarana, P.S. Kumar M. Seenuvasan and M.A. Kumar*, “Kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamic investigations of methylene blue dye removal using Casuarina equisetifolia pines”, Chemosphere, 285: 131480, 2021.
  4. M. Kikani, B. Gopal, C. Amit and M.A. Kumar*, “Chemo-metrically formulated consortium with selectively screened bacterial strains for ameliorated biotransformation and detoxification of 1,4-dioxane”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 413: 125456, 2021.
  5. H. Chandarana, S. Suganya, P.S. Kumar, and M.A. Kumar*, “Evaluation of phase transfer kinetics and thermodynamic equilibria of Reactive Orange 16 sorption onto chemically improved Arachis hypogaea pod powder”, Chemosphere, 276: 130136, 2021.
  6. Y. Shah, A. Yadav, MA Kumar*, MG Kavale, K. Prasad and V. Mantri, “Proof of concept’ for how diameter affected growth and agar content in industrially important farmed red seaweed Gracilaria dura”, Journal of Applied Phycology, 33: 2349–2358, 2021.
  7. A.K. Naruka, S. Suganya, P.S. Kumar, C. Amit, A. Katakpara, D. Bhatt and M.A. Kumar*, “Kinetic modelling of high turbid water flocculation using native and surface functionalized coagulants prepared from shed-leaves of Avicennia marina plants”, Chemosphere, 272: 129894, 2021.
  8. D.K. Pandya and MA Kumar*, “Chemo-metric engineering designs for deciphering the biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 411: 125154, 2021.
  9. D. Thiruselvi, P.S. Kumar, M.A. Kumar, C. Lay, S. Aathika, Y. Mani et al., “A critical review on biogas production potential and latest biogas upgradation techniques: Application in fuel cell and future perspectives”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46: 16734-16750, 2021.
  10. H. Chandarana, S. Suganya and M.A. Kumar*, “Surface functionalized Casuarina equisetifolia pine powder for the removal of hetero-polyaromatic dye: Characteristics and adsorption”, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2020. DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2020.1798418
  11. D. Thiruselvi, M. Yuvarani, A. Salma, Y. Arafath, D. Jagadiswary, M.A. Kumar, D. Anuradha, P. Shanmugam and S. Sivanesan, “Enhanced biogas production from sewage sludge digestion using iron nano-catalyst from Vitex negundo leaf extract: Response surface modeling”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 18: 2161–2172, 2021.
  12. M.S. Goutam, R.N. Dholakiya and M.A. Kumar*, “Anthracene biotransformation using bacterial concoction of Enterobacter ludwigii strain GRAS-01 and Pantoea agglomerans strain GRAS-02”, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2020. DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2020.1803849
  13. C.G. Malar, M. Seenuvasan, K.S. Kumar, M.A. Kumar and R. Parthiban, “Review on surface modification of nanocarriers to overcome diffusion limitations: An immobilization aspect”, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 158: 107574, 2020.
  14. S. Ram, S.R. Tirkey, M.A. Kumar and S. Mishra, “Ameliorating process parameters for zeaxanthin yield in Arthrobacter gandavensis MTCC 25325”, AMB Express, 10: 69, 2020.
  15. A.K. Mariselvam, M.A. Kumar, C. Dharmaraj, E. Maharaj, N. Dhasarathan and S. Sivanesan, “Assessment of air quality index of urban area and epidemiological investigations in Chennai city”, Journal of Environmental Biology, 40:790–795, 2019.
  16. V. Karthikeyan, V.S. Praba, M.A. Kumar, M.P. Premkumar and S. Sivanesan, “Strain improvement of Pleurotus citrinopileatus MTCC 1796 for enhanced production of laccase enzymes and its environmental application”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 122: 293–297, 2018.
  17. R.N. Dholakiya, M.A. Kumar and K. Mody, ‘Production of anti-biofouling metabolites by Streptomyces sp. strain RD4 for its application in mitigating the bacterial biofilms’, Desalination and Water Treatment, 121: 275–283, 2018.
  18. R.N. Dholakiya, N. Joshi, M.A. Kumar and K. Mody, ‘Phenanthrene degradation using Streptomyces variabilis strain RD5 isolated from marine ecosystem’, Desalination and Water Treatment, 121: 250–255, 2018.
  19. M. Seenuvasan, J.R.G. Suganthi, G. Sarojini, G.C.G. Malar, M.E. Priya and M.A. Kumar, “Effective utilization of crustacean shells for preparing chitosan composite beads: Applications in ameliorating the biosorption of an endocrine disrupting heavy metal”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 121: 28–35, 2018.
  20. D. Thiruselvi, M. Yuvarani, T. Amudha, R. Sneha, A.K. Mariselvam, M.A. Kumar, P. Shanmugam and S. Sivanesan, “Synthesis of iron nano-catalyst using Acalypha indica leaf extracts for biogas production from mixed liquor volatile suspended solids”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 40(7): 772–779, 2018.
  21. V. Karthikeyan, M.A. Kumar, P. Mohanapriya, T. Amudha, D. Thiruselvi, P. Karthik and S. Sivanesan, “Biodegradation of Remazol Brilliant Blue R using isolated bacterial culture (Staphylococcus sp. K2204)”, Environmental Technology, 39(22): 2900–2907, 2018.
  22. D.J.H. Sathya, A.M. Turakhia, M.A. Kumar, N. Balaji, S. Selvanaveen, G. Vinodhini and M. Seenuvasan, “Bioethanol from saccharificed lignocellulosic rich Aloe vera rinds using Saccharomyces cerevisiae MTCC 4779”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 39(13): 1347–1352, 2017.
  23. N. Joshi, R.N. Dholakiya, M.A. Kumar and K.H. Mody, “Recycling of starch processing industrial wastewater as a sole nutrient source for the bioflocculant production”, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 36(5): 1458–1465, 2017.
  24. M.A. Kumar, P.A. Zamana, V.V. Kumar, P. Baskaralingam, K.V. Thiruvengadaravi, T. Amudha and S. Sivanesan, “Achromobacter xylosoxidans strain APZ for phthalocyanine dye degradation: Chemo-metric optimization and canonical correlation analyses”, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 18: 73–82, 2017.
  25. M.A. Kumar, S. Poonam, V.V. Kumar, G. Baskar, M. Seenuvasan, D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Mineralization of aromatic amines liberated during the degradation of a sulfonated textile colorant using Klebsiella pneumoniae strain AHM”, Process Biochemistry 57: 181–189, 2017.
  26. M. Seenuvasan, S.J. Sanjayini, M.A. Kumar, G. Vinodhini, J.H. Sathya and V.V. Kumar, “Cellulase mediated saccharification of lignocellulosic rich pseudostem of Musa cavendish for bio-ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae MTCC 4779”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 39(6): 570–575, 2017.
  27. J. Komal, M.A. Kumar, K.V. Thiruvengadaravi, D. Nilavunesan, M.P. Premkumar, V.V. Kumar and S. Sivanesan, “Indigenously acclimatized bacterial consortium for anthracene biotransformation”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 39(5): 528–537, 2017.
  28. M.A. Kumar, Vigneshwaran, M.E. Priya, M. Seenuvasan, V.V. Kumar, D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Concocted bacterial consortium for the detoxification and mineralization of azoic-cum-sulfonic textile mill effluent”, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 16C: 199–205, 2017.
  29. P. Moradeeya, M.A. Kumar, R.B. Thorat, M. Rathod, Y. Khambhaty and S. Basha, “Nanocellulose for biosorption of chlorpyrifos from water: Chemometric optimization, kinetics and equilibrium” Cellulose, 24: 1319–1332, 2017.
  30. M.A. Kumar, D.K. Harthy, V.V. Kumar, K.G. Balashri, M. Seenuvasan, D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Detoxification of a triphenylmethane textile colorant using acclimated cells of Bacillus mannanilyticus strain AVS”, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 36 (2): 394–403, 2017.
  31. N. Balaji, K.S. Kumar, G. Vinodhini, M. Seenuvasan and M.A. Kumar, “Immobilization of laccase onto micro-emulsified magnetic nanoparticles for enhanced degradation of a textile recalcitrant”, Journal of Environmental Biology, 37 (6): 1489–1496, 2016.
  32. M.A. Kumar, R. Priyadarshini, M. Seenuvasan, V.V. Kumar, D. Nilavunesan, D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Biotransformation and detoxification of a greater tinctorial textile colorant using an isolated bacterial strain”, Journal of Environmental Biology, 37 (6): 1497–1506, 2016.
  33. M.A. Kumar, V.V. Kumar, R. Ponnusamy, F.P. Daniel, M. Seenuvasan, C.D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Concomitant mineralization and detoxification of acid red 88 by an indigenous acclimated mixed culture”, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 34 (5): 1455–1466, 2015.
  34. S. Karthikeyan, M.A. Kumar, P. Maharaja, B.P. Rao and G. Sekaran, “Process optimization for the treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater catalyzed by poly sulpha sponge”, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 45(4): 1739–1747, 2014.
  35. M. Seenuvasan, K.S. Kumar, G.C.G. Malar, S. Preethi, M.A. Kumar and N. Balaji, “Characterization, analysis, and application of fabricated Fe3O4-chitosan-pectinase nanobiocatalyst”, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 172(5): 2706–2719, 2014.
  36. T. Vidhyadevi, A. Murugesan, S.S. Kalaivani, M.A. Kumar, K.V.T. Ravi, L. Ravikumar, C.D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Optimization of the process parameters for the removal of reactive yellow dye by the low cost Setaria verticillata carbon using response surface methodology: Thermodynamic, kinetic and equilibrium studies”, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 33(3): 855–865, 2014.
  37. M. Seenuvasan, P.K. Selvi, M.A. Kumar, J. Iyyappan and K.S. Kumar, “Standardization of non-edible Pongamia pinnata oil methyl ester conversion using hydroxyl content and GC-MS analysis”, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 45(4): 1485–1489, 2013.
  38. M. Seenuvasan, G.C.G. Malar, S. Preethi, N. Balaji, J. Iyyappan, M.A. Kumar and K.S. Kumar, “Fabrication, characterization and application of pectin degrading Fe3O4-SiO2 nanobiocatalyst”, Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications, 33: 2273–2279, 2013.
  39. M. Seenuvasan, G.C.G. Malar, S. Preethi, N. Balaji, J. Iyyappan, M.A. Kumar and K.S. Kumar, “Immobilization of pectinase on to co-precipitated magnetic nanoparticles for its enhanced stability and activity”, Research Journal of BioTechnology, 8(5): 24–30, 2013.
  40. M.A. Kumar, V.V. Kumar, M.P. Premkumar, P. Baskaralingam, K.V. Thiruvengadaravi, D. Anuradha and S. Sivanesan, “Chemometric formulation of bacterial consortium-AVS for improved decolorization of resonance-stabilized and hetero-polyaromatic dyes”, Bioresource Technology, 123: 344–351, 2012.


  1. G.C.G. Malar, M. Seenuvasan, K.S. Kumar and M.A. Kumar, “Instrumental methods in surface property analysis of magnetic nanoparticles”, R.P. Kumar and B. Bharathiraja, Nanomaterials- Application in Biofuels and Bioenergy Production Systems, Academic Press, Elsevier, 2021.
  2. S. Suganya & M.A. Kumar*, “An economic perspective of biowaste valorization for extended sustainability”, V. Jerold, Sustainable Bioprocessing for Clean and Green Environment: Concepts and Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
  3. M. Kikani, C. Amit, D.R. Gangapur, M. Seenuvasan & M.A. Kumar*, “Bio-based coagulants for the remediation of environmental pollutants”, V. Jerold, Sustainable Bioprocessing for Clean and Green Environment: Concepts and Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
  4. D.K. Pandya, C. Helly, M. Seenuvasan, S. Ray & M.A. Kumar*, “Modelling microbial communities: Consensual among experimentalist and theorist”, M. Shah, Microbial Community Structure of Waste Water Treatment Reactors, Elsevier, 2021.
  5. M. Muduli, V. Sonpal, K. Trivedi, S. Haldar, M.A. Kumar & S. Ray, “Enhanced biological phosphate removal process for wastewater treatment: A sustainable approach” M. Shah, Microbial Community Structure of Waste Water Treatment Reactors, Elsevier, 2021.
  6. G.C.G. Malar, M. Seenuvasan, K.S. Kumar and M.A. Kumar, “Synthesis and Applications of Chitosan: A Contemporary Macromolecule” Das S., Dash H.R., Microbial and Natural Macromolecules: Synthesis and Applications, Academic Press, Elsevier, 2021.
  7. S. Suganya, S. Haldar & M.A. Kumar, “Bacterial attachments by EPS to polymeric membranes for various applications” Das S., Dash H.R., Microbial and Natural Macromolecules: Synthesis and Applications, Academic Press, Elsevier, 2020.
  8. V. Vinothini, A. Sowmiya, M.A. Kumar & M. Seenuvasan, “Recent Advancements and Applications of Nanotechnology in Waste Water Treatment” Jerold V., Subramanian S.V., Biochemical and Environmental Bioprocessing: Challenges & Developments, CRC Press, 2019.
  9. A. Dave, M. Bhatt & M.A. Kumar, “Approaches for recovering bio-based products from municipal & industrial wastes” Varjani S, Pandey A, Edward G, Khanal SK, Raveendran S., Current Developments in Biotechnology & Bioengineering: Resource Recovery from Wastes, Elsevier, 2019.
  10. N. Joshi, M.A. Kumar & K.H. Mody, “Bioflocculated industrial wastewater for ameliorating bioflocculant production” Varjani S., Pandey A., Edward G., Khanal S.K., Raveendran S., Current Developments in Biotechnology & Bioengineering: Resource Recovery from Wastes, Elsevier, 2019.
  11. C. Amit, H. Chandarana, M.A. Kumar and V. Sunita, “Nano-technological interventions for the decontamination of water and wastewater” Bui X., Chiemchaisri C., Fujioka T., Varjani S., Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Springer, 2019.
  12. D.N. Riddhi, M.A. Kumar and K.H. Mody, “Streptomyces cavourensis strain RD7 mediated decolorization of aromatic industrial dye”, Water Quality Management, Water Science & Technology Library, Springer, 2018.
  13. M.A. Kumar, P. Baskaralingam, A.R.S. Aathika and S. Sivanesan, “Role of Bacterial Consortia in Bioremediation of Textile Recalcitrant Compounds” In: Varjani S., Edward G., Gurunathan B., Pant D., Zakaria Z. (eds) Waste Bioremediation. Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Springer, 2018.

Bioremediation of potential water pollutants (dyes, pesticides and organics). Preparation of bio-based materials for remediating high turbid waters. Chemo-metric tools for the production of microbial metabolites and degradation of xenobiotic compounds.

 Environmental Engineer with over 9 years’ experience in diverse sectors; LNG terminals, ship breaking yards, ports & harbors.  Expertise in core functional areas like Marine ecosystem, Water pollution, Solid (municipal, industrial hazardous) waste management, Risk & hazard management, Impact mapping, mitigation and preparation of Environmental Management Plan.  Approved by NABET, Quality Council of India as Functional Area Expert of o Water Pollution Monitoring and Pollution Control o Solid and Hazardous Waste Management  Professional environmental monitoring/impact assessment with expertise in marine outfall of CETPs particularly dyeing & allied industries.  Approved EIA coordinator (EC) for Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs)  Requisite knowledge in microbial biotechnology like strain improvement, bioprocessing, downstream processing of enzymes & microbial metabolites.  Trained in the Implementation & Internal Audit as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard requisite for NABL accreditation for chemical/biological scope of sampling with subsequent testing.