ડો. પૂયમ સોભિંદ્રો સિંહ

ડો. પૂયમ સોભિંદ્રો સિંહ

વરિષ્ઠ આચાર્ય વૈજ્ .ાનિક

Academic Qualifications

Contact Details

ડો. પૂયમ સોભિંદ્રો સિંહ

વરિષ્ઠ આચાર્ય વૈજ્ .ાનિક


7560 / 2567760



 Positions held: ITIT Special Researcher, AIST, Japan 1996-97. ANU post-doctoral fellow Australia 1998-2000. CSIRO post-doctoral fellow, Australia 2001-2002. CSIRO Research Scientist, Australia 2002-2004.  CSIR Scientist since March 2004

Publications in Journals: 

1.  G. L. Jadav, V. K. Aswal, P. S. Singh, Characterization of polydimethylsiloxane pervaporation membranes using small-angle neutron scattering, Journal of Membrane Science 378 (2011) 194

2.  P. S. Singh, A. P. Rao,  P. Ray,  A. Bhattacharya, K. Singh,  N. K. Saha, A.V.R Reddy, Techniques for characterization of polyamide thin film composite membranes Desalination 2011, doi:10.1016/j.desal.2011.04.039

3.  P. S. Singh, V. K. Aswal, J. Kohlbrecher, Influence of hydrophilic silica nanoparticles to the conformation of hydrophilic polymer chain in dilute solution system, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 353 (2011) 52

4.  V.K. Sharma, S. Mitra, P. S. Singh, F. Jurányi, and R. Mukhopadhyay, Diffusion of water in nanoporous polyamide membranes: quasielastic neutrons scattering study, European Physical Journal Special Topics 189 (2010) 217

5. G. L. Jadav, V.K. Aswal and P. S. Singh, SANS study to probe nanoparticle dispersion in nanocomposite membranes of aromatic polyamide and functionalized silica nanoparticles, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 351 (2010) 304

6.  P. Ray, P. S. Singh,   K. Parashuram,   J.J. Trivedi,   C.V. Devmurari,   N. N. Rao,  S. Waghmare, A.V.R. Reddy, Preparation and surface modification of hollow fiber membranes for drinking water disinfection and water reclamation, International Journal of Nuclear Desalination 4 (2010) 149

7.  G. L. Jadav and P. S. Singh, Synthesis of novel silica-polyamide nanocomposite membrane with enhanced properties, Journal of Membrane Science  328 (2009) 257.

8.  V. K. Sharma, P. S. Singh, S. Gautam, P. Maheshwari, D. Dutta, R. Mukhopadhyay, Dynamics of water sorbed in reverse osmosis polyamide membrane, Journal of Membrane Science 326 (2009) 667.

9.  V.K. Sharma, P.S. Singh, S. Gautam, S. Mitra, R. Mukhopadhyay, Diffusion of water in nanoporous NF polyamide membrane, Chemical Physics Letters  478 (2009) 50.

10.  P. S.Singh and V. K. Aswal, Characterization of physical structure of silica nanoparticles encapsulated in polymeric structure of polyamide films,  Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 326 (2008) 176.

11.  P. S. Singh, High surface area nanoporous amorphous silica prepared by dodecanol assisted silica formate sol–gel approach, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science  325 (2008) 207.

12.  P. S.Singh and V. K. Aswal,  Probing polymer nanocomposite morphology by small angle neutron scattering, PRAMANA— journal of physics 71(5) (2008) 947.

13.  A.V.R. Reddy, S.L. Daga, N. Pathak, A.P.Rao, P.Ray, P.S. Singh, J. J. Trivedi, C.V. Devmurari and G.S. Trivedi, Membrane Technology: CSMCRI's experience and case studies, Water Today, Oct. – Nov. (2008)

14.  A.V.R. Reddy, P. Ray, P.S. Singh, J.J. Trivedi, A.P.Rao, S.L. Daga and P.K. Ghosh, Membranes: Energy efficient tool in separation and purification, Chemical Industry Digest September (2008) 101.

15.  P. S. Singh and V. K. Aswal, Compacted nanoscale blocks to build skin layers of reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membranes: a revelation from small-angle neutron scattering, Journal of Physical  Chemistry  C 111 (2007) 16219.

16.  P. S. Singh, Complexity of silicate/aluminosilicate polymerization: some insights using a small-angle X-ray scattering study, Journal of Applied Crystallography  40 , (2007), s590–s593.

17.  P. S. Singh, S.V. Joshi, J.J. Trivedi, C.V. Devmurari, A. Prakash Rao, P.K. Ghosh, Probing the structural variations of thin film composite RO membranes obtained by coating polyamide over polysulfone membranes of different pore dimensions, Journal of Membrane Science 278 (2006) 19.

18.  P. S.Singh, V.K. Aswal, P.K. Ghosh, S.V. Joshi, A. Prakash Rao and P.S. Goyal, Small Angle Neutron Scattering from nanoscale building blocks of polyamide 'Reverse Osmosis' membrane, Proceedings of the DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Bhopal, India, 51 (2006) 177.

19.  V. J. Shah, S. V. Joshi, A. V. R.  Reddy,  J. J. Trivedi, C. V. Devmurari, A. Prakash Rao, N. Pathak, P. S. Singh, S. L. Daga, S. T. Rajan and P. K. Ghosh, Simple and cost-effective ro desalination technology based on CSMCRI's indigenous thin film composite membrane, in sustainable management of water resources, Eds. M.G.K. menon, V.P. Sharma, XII General assembly of scope, New Delhi Indian National Science Academy Publication (2005) 123.

20.  A.V.R. Reddy, J.J. Trivedi, C.V. Devmurari, D.J. Mohan,  P. S. Singh, A P Rao, S.V.Joshi, P.K.Ghosh, Fouling resistant membranes in desalination and water recovery, Desalination  183 (2005) 301.

21.  P. S. Singh, Mark Trigg, Iko Burgar and Timothy Bastow, Geopolymer formation processes at room temperature studied by 29Si and 27Al MAS-NMR, Mater. Sci. and Eng. A 396 (2005) 392.

22. P. S. Singh, Tim Bastow, Mark Trigg , Structural studies of Geopolymers by 29Si and 27Al MAS-NMR, Journal of Materials Science 40 (2005) 3951.

23.  P. S. Singh, Tim Bastow and Mark Trigg, Outstanding problems posed by non-polymeric particulates in the synthesis of a well-structured geopolymeric material, Cement and Concrete Research 34 (2004) 1943.

24.  Katsunori Kosuge and P. S. Singh, Rapid Synthesis of Al-Containing Mesoporous Silica Hard Spheres of 30−50 μm Diameter, Chemistry of  Materials, 2001, 13, 2476.

25.  Katsunori Kosuge and P. S. Singh, Mesoporous silica spheres via 1-alkylamine templating route, Microporous and Mesoporous materials, 2001, 44, 139.

26.  Katsunori Kosuge and P. S. Singh, Mixed oxides pillared silicates from H-ilerite by intercalation, Chemistry of  Materials, 2000, 12(2), 421.

27.  P. S. Singh, Trevor L. Dowling, Jonathan N. Watson and John W. White Light and x-ray scattering from the early growth stages of Zeolite A Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 1999, 1(17), 4125.

28.  P. S. Singh and John W. White, Nucleation and growth of Zeolite A under reagent controlled conditions, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 1999, 1(17), 4131.

29.  P. S. Singh, P.N. Joshi, S.P.Mirajkar, B.S.Rao and V.P. Shiralkar NH3 sorption isotherms in ALPO-11 and its Si, Co and Mn analogues Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1999, 103(25), 5338.

30.  Katsunori Kosuge and P. S. Singh, Titanium containing porous silica prepared by a modified Sol-Gel method, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1999, 103(18), 3563.

31.  P. S. Singh, Katsunori Kosuge, Veda Ramaswamy and B.S. Rao, Characterisation of MeAPO-11s synthesized conventionally and in the presence of fluoride ions and their catalytic properties in the oxidation of ethylbenzene, Applied Catalysis, 1999, 177, 149.

32.  P. S. Singh and Katsunori Kosuge , Synthesis of Ti-containing porous silica with high photocatalytic activity, Chemistry of  Letters, 1999, 1, 9.

33.  P. S. Singh and Katsunori Kosuge , The synthesis of mesoporous silica spheres by ocytlamine templating, Chemistry of  Letters, 1998, 1, 101.

34.  P. S. Singh and Katsunori Kosuge, Flaky, ultra thin mesoporous silica laminas, Chemistry of  Letters, 1998, 1, 63.

35. Alkylation of meta-DIPB with isopropanol as a test reaction for large pore Zeolites, P. S. Singh, R.A.Shaikh, R.Bandyopadyay and B.S.Rao Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 1998, 113, 473.

36. Aniline methylation over molecular sieves, R.A.Shaikh, P. S. Singh, R.Bandyopadhyay C.V. Kavedia, S.P. Mirajkar and B.S.Rao, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 1998, 113, 637.

37.  R. Bandyopadhyay, P. S. Singh and B.S. Rao , Formation of N-methylaniline by translalkylation with N,N-dimthyl aniline over zeolite beta, Applied Catalysis, 1997, 155, 27.

39. R. Bandyopadhyay, P. S. Singh and B.S.Rao , Transalkylation of diisopropylbenzene with toluene over REY zeolite, Reaction  Kinetics and  Catalysis Letters, 1997, 60(1), 171.

40.  P. S. Singh, R. Bandyopadhyay and B.S. Rao , Characterisation of SAPO-11 synthesized conventionally and in the presence of fluoride ions, Journal of Chemical  Society (Faraday Transactions), 1996, 92(11), 2017.

41.  P. S. Singh, R. Bandyopadyay, S.G.Hegde and B.S.Rao , Vapor phase Beckmann Rearrangement over SAPO-11 molecular sieve, Applied Catalysis, 1996, 136(2), 249.

42.  P. S. Singh, R. Bandyopadhyay and B.S. Rao, Alkylation of aniline with methanol over AEL type molecular sieves, Applied Catalysis, 1996, 136(2), 177.

43 .R. Bandyopadhyay, P. S. Singh and R.A.Shaikh, Translalkylation of cumene with toluene over zeolite beta, Applied Catalysis, 1996, 135(2), 249.

44.  P. S. Singh, R.A.Shaikh, R.Bandyopadhyay and B.S.Rao, Synthesis of CoVPI-5 with bifunctional catalytic activity, Journal of Chemical Society (Chemical Communications), 1995, 2255.

45.  P. S. Singh, R.Bandyopadhyay and B.S.Rao, Spectroscopic studies of vanadium incorporated SAPO-11 molecular sieve, Journal of Molecular Catalysis, 1995, 104, 103.

46. P. S. Singh, R. Bandyopadhyay, R.A.Shaikh and B.S.Rao, Selective acidic, oxidative and reductive reactions over ALPO-11 and Si or Metal substituted ALPO-11, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 1995, 97, 343.

47. R.A. Shaikh, R.Bandyopadhyay, P. S. Singh and B.S.Rao , Aluminum gradient and catalytic properties of ZSM-5 zeolites. Catalysis: modern trends, Eds. N.M. Gupta and D.K.Chakrabarty; Proceedings of the 12th National Symposium on Catalysis, 1994, 91-94, Bombay, India.

48. R.A.Shaikh, R.Bandyopadhyay, P. S. Singh and B.S.Rao., Coke induced shape shape selective reactions over silynated ZSM-5 zeolites. Catalysis: Present and Past, Eds. P.Kanta Rao and R.S.Beniwal, Proceedings of the 11th National Symposium on Catalysis, 1993, 31-35, Hydrabad (India)


1. Katsunori Kosuge and P. S. Singh Porous Titanosilicate and its production Japanese Patent 10,330,111 A 1998

2. Katsunori Kosuge and P. S. Singh Titanium-containing porous silica and process of preparing same United States Patent 5,958,369 1999

3. Katsunori Kosuge and P. S. Singh Silica mesoporous body and its production Japanese Patent 11,278,825 A 1999

4. Katsunori Kosuge and P. S. Singh Silica mesoporous body and process for preparing same United States Patent 6,174,512 B1 2001

5. P.K. Ghosh, A.V.R. Reddy, S.L.Daga, A. Patel, P.Ray, P.S. Singh, K. Parshuram, A.P. Rao, J.J. Trivedi, P. Patel, R.B. Mandavia and C.V. Devmurari, Membrane based portable water purifier with squeezable hand operated rubber bulb for pressure generation, Indian patent filed, 2009

6. A.V.R. Reddy, P.Ray, P.S. Singh, K. Parshuram, S. Maurya, High flux hollow fiber ultrafilrtation membranes Indian patent filed 217/DEL/2010 dated 14 Sept.2010


Presentations in academic conferences :

1.  G. L. Jadav, V.K. Aswal and P. S. Singh, Influence of film thickness on the structure and properties of silicone rubber based polymeric membrane, International Symposium on Materials Chemistry, Mumbai 2010, India

2.  K. Parashuram, S. Maurya, P. S. Singh, P. Ray and A.V.R. Reddy, Structure-performance-fouling studies of polysulfone microfiltration hollow fiber membranes, National Conference on Recent trends in Exotic materials, Noida 2010, India

3.  G. L. Jadav and P. S. Singh Structure-performance relationship of dense polysulfone membranes obtained from high temperature processing, National Conference on Recent trends in Exotic materials, Noida 2010, India

4.  Z. Xie, M. Hoang, T. Duong, D. Ng, P. S. Singh, P. Ray, A.V.R.Reddy, K. Parashuram and S. Maurya, Study of asymmetric hollow fibre membranes in membrane distillation for volatile removal from industrial wastewaters International Membrane Science and Technology Conference, Sydney 2010, Australia

5.  P. Ray, P. S. Singh,   K. Parashuram,   J.J. Trivedi,   C.V. Devmurari,   N. N. Rao,  S. Waghmare, A.V.R. Reddy,  Proceedings of InDA-APDA Conference on Desalination and Water Purification, Chennai, India. Eds. H.S. Sodaye, S. Prabhakar and P.K. Tewari (2010) 485-466

6.  P. S. Singh, A. Avhale, T. Selvam, A. Inayat, S. Lopez-Orozco, H. Partsch, J. D. Fanche  and  W. Schwieger,  Enhanced CO2/N2 separation over surface functionalized MFI-type membranes, International Zeolite Association Conference July 4-9, 2010, Sorrento, Italy

7.  P. S. Singh, A. Avhale, T. Selvam, A. Inayat, S. Lopez-Orozco, W. Schwieger, CO2/N2 separation over BEA-type zeolite membranes, International zeolite membrane meeting, May 23-26, 2010 Loutraki, Greece

8.  P. S. Singh, P. Ray, J. J.Trivedi, K. Parashuram, S.Sharma, A. Prakash Rao, A.V.R. Reddy,  Membrane technologies for water recovery from industrial waste waters,  InDA-APDA Conference on Desalination and Water Purification

Mar. 10-12, 2010, Chennai, India

9.  P. Ray, P. S. Singh,   K. Parashuram,   J.J. Trivedi,   C.V. Devmurari,   N. N. Rao,  S. Waghmare, A.V.R. Reddy, Preparation and surface modification of hollow fiber membranes for drinking water disinfection and water reclamation, InDA-APDA Conference on Desalination and Water Purification, Mar. 10-12, 2010           Chennai, India

10.  P.Ray, P.S.Singh, A.V.R.Reddy, S. Saradva, B. Thakur, P. Kallem, J.J.Trivedi, G.S. Trivedi and A.P.Rao, Application of Nanofiltration Membranes for water reclamation: Treatment of pharmaceutical waste waters      APA International conference , Dec. 17-20, 2009, Delhi, India       

11.  P. S. Singh, V. K. Aswal and J. Kohlbrecher, Influence of hydrophilic silica nanoparticles to the conformation of hydrophilic polymer chain in dilute solution system, Conference on neutron scattering and mesoscopic systems, Oct. 12-14, 2009        Goa, India        

12.  G. L. Jadav, V.K. Aswal and P. S. Singh, Small angle neutron scattering investigation of polydimethylsiloxane pervaporation membranes   Conference on neutron scattering and mesoscopic systems, Oct. 12-14, 2009, Goa, India

13.  A.V.R. Reddy,  P. Ray, P. S.Singh, T. J. Trivedi, B. K.Thakur, J. J.Trivedi, A. P. Rao, C. V. Devmurari, Fouling resistant hollow fiber membranes for drinking water purification and water reclamation, IWA Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition,  Sept. 1-3, 2009, Beijing, China     

14. A.V.R. Reddy, P. S. Singh, P. Ray, S.V. Joshi, J. J.Trivedi, A. P. Rao, T. J. Trivedi, B.K.Thakur, C. V. Devmurari, Membranes for water recovery from industrial effluents and other waste waters            IWA Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, Sept. 1-3, 2009, Beijing, China          

15.  P.K.Ghosh, S.L.Daga, A.V.R.Reddy, V. J. Shah, S. V. Joshi, J. J.Trivedi, A. P. Rao, N. Pathak, P. Ray, P. S. Singh, C. V. Devmurai, G.S.Trivedi and K. Eswaran, Indigenous TFC reverse osmosis membrane technology for water desalination – going from lab to field, IWA Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition,

Sept. 1-3, 2009, Beijing, China   

16.  V.K. Sharma, P. S. Singh, S. Gautam, S. Mitra and R. Mukhopadhyay, Diffusion of water in nanofiltration membrane International Conference in Neutron Scattering, May 6-7, 2009, Tennessee, USA

17. P.S. Singh, V.K. Sharma, S. Gautam and R. Mukhopadhyay, Transport properties of water adsorbed in nanoporous polyamide membranes, International Symposium on Neutron Scattering 2008, Jan. 15-18, 2008, Mumbai, India

18.  P. S. Singh and V. K. Aswal, Probing polymer nanocomposite morphology by small angle neutron scattering , International Symposium on Neutron Scattering, Jan. 15-18, 2008, Mumbai, India

19.  P. S.Singh and V. K. Aswal, Characterization of physical structure of silica nanoparticles encapsulated in polymeric structure of polyamide nanocomposite films   10th International Conference on Advanced Materials (International Union of Materials Research Societies),  Oct. 7-10, 2007, Bangalore, India

20.  G. L. Jadav, H. Brahmbhatt, S. Gothwal and P. S. Singh, Synthesis Of Silica-Polyamide Nanocomposite Membrane Of Silica Nanoparticles And m-Phenylene Diamine - Trimesoyl Chloride Based Polyamide, APA International Conference (Advances in Polymer Science & Technology), 2008, New Delhi, India

21.  P. S. Singh and V. K. Aswal , Characterization of Physical Structure of Silica Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Polymeric Structure of Polyamide Nanocomposite Films , 10th International Conference on Advanced Materials (International Union of Materials Research Societies), 2007, Bangalore, India

22.  P. Bankowski, L. Zou, R. Hodges, P. S. Singh and M. Trigg , Brown Coal Fly Ash Stabilisation by Inorganic Polymers, CD-Proceedings of Geopolymer International Conference 2002, Melbourne, Australia.

23.  P. S. Singh, Mark Trigg, Timothy Bastow and Iko Burgar , 27Al and 29Si  MAS-NMR study of aluminosilicate polymer formation at room temperature , CD-Proceedings of Geopolymer International Conference 2002, Melbourne, Australia.

24.  Katsunori Kosuge and P. S. Singh, Mixed oxide pillared silicates from H-Ilerite by intercalation, International Zeolite Symposium, 2000, Sendai, Japan.

25.  Katsunori Kosuge and P. S. Singh, Mesoporous silica spheres via 1-alkylamine templating route, International Symposium on microporous and mesoporous materials, 2000, Quebec, Canada

26.  P. S. Singh and John W.White , Small angle X-ray scattering from the early growth stages of zeolite A, 1st AINSE and 2nd ANU meeting on small angle scattering, 1999, ANSTO, Sydney

27.  R.A.Shaikh, P. S. Singh, R.Bandyopadhyay and B.S.Rao, Aniline methylation over cation exchanged zeolites and molecular sieves, 13th National Symposium on Catalysis, 1997, Dehradun, India

28.  P. S. Singh, S.P.Mirajkar, R.Bandyopadhyay, B.S.Rao, P.N.Joshi and

V.P.Shiralkar , NH3 sorption isotherms in Si, Co, Mn and Al incorporated AEL type molecular sieves, International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous crystals, 1997, Tokyo.

29.  K. Kosuge, N. Nakamura, P. S. Singh, A. Tsunashima and T. Kimura, Formation mechanism of Si-pillared layered silicic acids, Meeting of Japanese Chemical Society, 1997, Tokyo

30.  K. Kosuge, P. S.Singh, N. Nakamura, A. Tsunashima and T. Kimura

Si-pillared materials from layered silicic acids by intercalation, International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous Crystals, 1997, Tokyo

31.  P. S. Singh, Crystalline microporous silicoaluminophosphate type 11: The opportunities of conventional and fluoride route, National Workshop on Catalysis, 1995, Bhavnagar, India.

We have been investigating on the preparation, characterization and performance testing of various types of membranes to understand structure-property-performance correlation.

Membranes for specific separation or reaction; Nanostructured porous materials (polymer or inorganic based)