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વરિષ્ઠ વૈજ્ .ાનિક
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1. Sub–10 nm polyamide nanofilms with ultrafast solvent transport for molecular separation, S Karan, Z Jiang, AG Livingston, Science 348 (6241), 1347-1351.
2. Ultrafast viscous permeation of organic solvents through diamond-like carbon nanosheets, S Karan, S Samitsu, X Peng, K Kurashima, I Ichinose, Science 335 (6067), 444-447.
3. Ultrathin polymer films with intrinsic microporosity: anomalous solvent permeation and high flux membranes, P Gorgojo, S Karan, HC Wong, MF Jimenez Solomon, JT Cabral, ... Advanced Functional Materials 24 (30), 4729-4737.
4. Thin Films: Water Transport through Ultrathin Polyamide Nanofilms Used for Reverse Osmosis (Adv. Mater. 15/2018), Z Jiang, S Karan, AG Livingston, Advanced Materials 30 (15), 1870107.
5. Neutron Reflectivity and Performance of Polyamide Nanofilms for Water Desalination, F Foglia, S Karan, M Nania, Z Jiang, AE Porter, R Barker, AG Livingston, ... Advanced Functional Materials 27 (37), 1701738.
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Fabrication of thin film composite membranes for ion/molecular separation in aqueous and organic solvents
Interfacial Instabilities, Polymer Nanofilms, Separation Membranes, Reverse Osmosis, Organic Solvent Nanofiltration