Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records for Discharging Functions
Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI) is a constituent laboratory/establishment of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) - An autonomous body of India. Hence it is governed by Society Rules and regulations adopted from time to time. List of rules, regulations, instructions manual and records, referred to by Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute for discharging functions are as mentioned. These rules/guidelines can also be accessed on CSIR website also.

S. No. Title of the document Type of the document Brief description
1. Memorandum of Association, Rules & Regulations of bye-laws of CSIR. Resolution of the Society, Rules and Regulations and Bye-Laws of CSIR Memorandum of Association dealing with the objects of CSIR; Rules and Regulations of CSIR; Bye-Laws of CSIR as framed by Governing Body which inter-alia provides for formulation of Schemes for Recruitment & Promotion of Staff (Ref. Bye-Law 11); conditions of service of Officers and staff of the Society (Ref. Bye-Law 12-16).

In accordance with Bye-Law 11 to 16, Rules, instructions, manual and records used for discharging day-to-day functions are as under:


S. No. Title of the document Type of the document Brief description
1. CSIR Scientists Recruitment & Assessment Promotion Rules, 2001


Effective from 1.1.2001 for assessment promotions and from 1.4.2002 for recruitment of Scientists (Gr. IV)
2. Revised MANAS (Merit & Normal Assessment Scheme) for Scientific, Technical and Support Staff


Assessment of Technical Staff in Group III and support Staff in Groups II & I (Assessment of Scientists discontinued from31.12.2000 in view of CSRAP Rules 2001 w.e.f. 1.1.2001 (as at Sr. No. 1 .above )
3. CSIR Administrative Services (Recruitment & Promotion Rules, 1982)


Recruitment and Promotion of Administrative Staff in CSIR and is Labs./lnstts.
4. CSIR Service Rules, 1994 for Recruitment of Scientific, Technical and Support staff


Recruitment of Scientific, Technical and Support staff. Recruitment of Scientists is effected under CSRAP Rules, 2001 w.e.f 1.4.2002 (as at Sr.No.1 above)
5. Medical facilities to CSIR Pensioners


Rules for medical facilities to CSIR Pensioners
6. CSIR Foreign Deputation Guidelines, 1996 (revised in August, 2005)


Guidelines on foreign deputation of staff
7. CSIR (Residence Allotment) Rules, 1997


Rules and instructions on allotment of residence to employees
8. CSIR Manual of Procurement of Goods 2019


Rules and regulations connected with stores and purchase activity

Compendium on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Working Women(Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) at Workplace

S. No. Title of the document Type of the document Brief description
1. Compendium on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Working Women(Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) at Workplace -- --