1-High purity industrial salt directly in solar salt works - CSIR-CSMCRI in its endeavor to produce superior quality salt with negligible impurities has not only diagnosed the problem that defers the quality of salt but also developed cost effective technologies for production of high purity solar salt in situ. It has developed and patented processes for removal of Ca, Mg, SO4, Iodide, and insoluble from common salt directly in solar salt fields, which would be a boon for chlor-alkali & solar salt manufacturers.
2-phenyl ethanol, a perfumery chemical, from styrene: CSIR-CSMCRI has successfully developed and demonstrated an improved catalytic process for 2-phenyl ethanol, an important chemical in pharma and perfumery industries, from styrene via styrene epoxide through cascade epoxidation-hydrogenation pathway. This IP protected process provides better energy efficiency and renders cleaner environment using easily scalable and reusable catalysts.