Marine Algal Research Station, Mandapam was established on 01.01.1967 exclusively to develop seaweed cultivation. The…
This group is actively pursuing research on halophytes towards utilizing them as genetic resources and value addition…
The Analytical and Environmental Science Division and Centralized Instrument Facility (AESD & CIF) is a…
This group is actively pursuing research in the field of molecular biology and biotechnology to understand and utilize…
The activities are centred around the development of novel cost-effective processes of improving quality & yield of…
The Process Design and Engineering Division is actively involved in process development, scale-up, and technology…
Division of Natural Products & Green Chemistry (NP&GC) is actively engaged in the research focused…
Inorganic Materials and Catalysis Division of CSIR-CSMCRI has been working in diverse and highly applied research areas…
The rapid growth of population has been the key feature of Indian urbanization. The urban population in India has…