Dr. Bhoomi R. Andharia

Dr. Bhoomi R. Andharia

Principal Scientist

Academic Qualifications

Contact Details

Dr. Bhoomi R. Andharia

Principal Scientist


7471 / 2567760


1) Andharia, B.R., Patel, P.L., Manekar, V.L. et al.(2018). “Prediction of bed level variations in nonuniform sediment bed channel.” Sādhanā Journal, Vol. 43: 55. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12046-018-0830-1 , Springer publication.

2) Andharia, B.R., Patel, P.L., Manekar, V.L. and Porey, P.D. (2018). “Numerical and experimental studies in prediction of bed levels of aggrading channels.” CURRENT SCIENCE JOURNAL, VOL. 114, NO. 8.

3) Andharia, B.R. and Samtani, B.K. (2011). “A Mathematical Model for Predicting Friction Factor and Conveyance at Mahuwa Gauging Station Using Purna River Data, India.” The IUP Journal of Soil and Water Sciences, IV(3), August, pp. 17-32.

4) Andharia, B.R. and Samtani, B.K. (2011). “Study of Flow Resistance, Sedimentation Parameter and Mobility Index for Sarngakheda Gauging Station of Tapi River.” International Journal of Applied Sciences Research, AENSI Publications, USA, 7(1), pp. 2151-2160.

5) Andharia, B.R. and Samtani, B.K. (2011). “A Mathematical Model for Predicting Friction Factor and Variation Effect of Shear Velocity Reynold Number of Tapi River in South Gujarat” International Journal of Ultra scientist of Physical Sciences, Bhopal, 23(1), pp. 2151-2160, I.F.=0.028.

6) Andharia, B.R. and Samtani, B.K. (2011). “Mathematical Model Based on Mobility Index for the Prediction of Flow Resistance (Case study of Savkheda Gauging Station Using Tapi River Data, India)” International Journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences and Technologies (IJAEST), USA, 4(2), pp. 36-41, ICV 2010= 4.79.

7) Andharia, B.R. and Samtani, B.K. (2011). “Study of Flow Resistance and Froude Number for Savkheda Gauging Station using Tapi River Data, India.” International journal of Earth sciences and engineering, 4(6), special issue, pp. 2151-2160, I.F.2011= 0.235.

8) Andharia, B.R., Patel, P.L., Manekar, V.L. and Porey, P.D.(2013). “Prediction of friction factor and stage–discharge relationship in alluvial streams” ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 19(1), pp. 49–54, Feb.2013, Taylor & Francis Group, U.K. Publication, DOI:10.1080/09715010.2013.763407.

9) Andharia, B.R., Patel, P.L., Manekar, V.L. & Porey, P.D.(2013). “Reply to discussion on paper: Prediction of friction factor and stage–discharge relationship in alluvial streams.” ISH journal of hydraulic engineering, 19 (1), 49–54, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Dec. 2013, Taylor & Francis Group, U.K. Publication, DOI:10.1080/09715010.2013.868092.


Ph.D. (Civil Engineering), Water Resources Engineering, Jan. 2017, SNIT- Surat Under the guidance of Prof. Prem Lal Patel, Dr. V L Manekar and Prof. P. D. Porey.

M.E. (Civil Engineering-WRE), M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara.

Visit page : Bhoomi R Andharia on ResearchGate


Professional Experiences

3.5 years- Scientific R & D and Civil Works, Salt and Marine Chemicals Division, CSMCRI since 2013.

2.5 years - Assistant Professor in institutes under Gujarat Technological University.

6 month- Head, Civil Engineering Department, GIDC Degree Engineering College, Navsari.

1 year worked as Class-II officer in Gujarat Public Works Department of Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply And Kalpsar dept. (NWRWS & K) of Govt. of Gujarat,, GoG

1 year - as Deputy Engineer (Water Resources) with Canada based MNC (LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd) at Gandhinagar, Division for Project under the Flood Forecasting of Gujarat State Schemes.



Life member of Indian Society for Wind Engineering (ISWE), Roorkee, India,

Life member of Association of Hydrologist of India (AHI), Visakhapatnam, India,

Life member of Indian Society for Hydraulics (ISH), Pune.


Conferences Participated

1) Andharia, B.R., Manekar, V.L., Patel, P.L., and Porey, P.D.(2011). “Estimation of Friction Factor for Alluvial Rivers” HYDRO-2011 National Conference on Hydraulics & Water Resources, Dec. 29-30,2011, Presented and published in proceeding, Dept. Of Civil Engineering, SVNIT, Surat, India.

2) Presented on behalf of CSMCRI on “Social activities by CSIR-CSMCRI” on 25th May, 2016 in National Scientific Seminar, Hindi Sangosthi organized at CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad.

3) Andharia, B.R., Patel, P.L., Manekar, V.L., and Porey, P.D. (2016). “Prediction of bed aggradation in alluvial streams: Application of numerical computations” National Conference on Water Resources & Flood Management with special reference to Flood Modelling, October 14-15, oral presentation and e-proceeding, Departments of Civil Engineering, SVNIT Surat, India.

4) Andharia, B.R., Manekar, V.L., Patel, P.L., and Porey, P.D. (2014). “Experimental and numerical studies on Aggradation for alluvial stream bed.” HYDRO 2014 International 19th Conference on Hydraulics, Water resources & Environmental Engineering. Dec. 18-20, 2014, Presented and published in proceeding, Departments of Civil Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal, India.

5) Andharia, B.R., Manekar, V.L., Patel, P.L., and Porey, P.D.(2013). “Mathematical Modelling of Aggradation in Alluvial Channels” HYDRO 2013 International xviii conference on hydraulics, water resources, coastal and environmental engineering, Dec. 5-7, 2013, Presented and published in proceeding, Departments of Ocean Engineering & Civil Engineering, IIT – Madras, India.

6) Andharia, B.R., Manekar, V.L., Patel, P.L., and Porey, P.D.(2011). “Estimation of Friction Factor for Alluvial Rivers” HYDRO-2011 National Conference on Hydraulics & Water Resources, Dec. 29-30,2011, Presented and published in proceeding, Dept. Of Civil Engineering, SVNIT, Surat, India.

7) Andharia B.R. and Suryanarayana T.M.V (2008). “ANN-based Rainfall-Runoff Models of Ungauged Basin for Panam Catchment Area of Mahi Basin, Gujarat (India)”, 4th conference of the Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources(APHW), Paper ID:S1_12, Date; presented on 4.Nov.2008, November 3-5,2008,Beijing, China.

8) Andharia B.R. and Suryanarayana T.M.V., (2008). “ Base flow separation from streamflow by recursive digital filter technique”, Hydro-2008 conference in Jaipur-Proceeding, presented on 15th November,2008.

9) Andharia B.R., Suryanarayana T.M.V. and Shete D.T., (2009). “Modification of SCS-CN based rainfall-runoff models for Panam catchment area of Mahi basin, Gujarat”, national Seminar on Recent Advances in Hydrology for Water Resources Development and Management & XXVII Annual Convention of AHI, 21st & 22nd January,2009, Technical Session-I, Paper no-ix, Presented on 21, Jan.2009.

Conferences / Workshop Participated 

 Presented a lecture on behalf of CSMCRI on “Social activities by CSIR-CSMCRI” on 25th May, 2016 in National Scientific Seminar, Hindi Sangosthi organized at CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad.


Lecture Delivered

1) A lecture on “Design and layout of solar salt works with scientific approach” 5th October 2015, was delivered by Mrs. B. R. Andharia, Scientist during the Training program to educate the salt producers of the area to produce good quality salt with improved yield as a part of Project “Establishment of Model Salt Farm in P.M. lanka, West Godavari District at Andhra Pradesh” for Salt Department, Govt. of India, Jaipur.

Scientific design and layout of Solar salt works, Effective use of Solar energy in Solar Salt works, Modernization, mechanization and automation of solar salt works, Contour Survey and feasibility survey for solar salt works, Modernization of Solar Salt Farm and prototype Model Salt Farm, Solar Energy, Design of Reverse Osmosis Plant Sedimentation and filter Units.

Numerical Modelling of bed level variations and Sediment transportation in Open Channel Fluvial Hydraulics, Numerical Modelling using Programming, Finite Difference methods, Friction Factor for Open Channel Flow, Resistance to the Flow, Hydrologic Modelling, Prediction in Ungauged Basins, Artificial neural network, Fuzzy Logic, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Geographic Information System (GIS), Applied Hydrology, open channel flow, Fluid Mechanics, Model Designing using StormCAD, WaterGEMS, RiverCAD.