
Project Associate-I -||- Advt. No. MARS / HCP 0024 - 5/2022



MANDAPAM CAMP – 623 519.

Advt. No. MARS / HCP 0024 - 5/2022

Total no. of Post :  Project Associate – I( 1 numbers)

Interview on 08.03.2023

at Marine Algal Research Station, Mandapam camp


Project:“Identification of potential locations across India for Seaweed Cultivation and their    valorization”, funded by CSIR, New Delhi P.C. No.HCP0024

Name of the Post

Project Associate-I  (1 Nos)

Nature of Work

Cultivation of edible seaweeds and tissue cultured seedling production.

Place of work

Marine Algal Research Station, Mandapam camp and should periodically visit to Andra Pradesh and Odisha coast in related with project work

Essential Qualification

M.Sc., in Botany / Plant Biology &  Plant Biotechnology / Bio-chemistry / Biotechnology or B.Tech (Biotechnology)

Monthly remuneration

Rs. 25000/- + HRA

Age limit

35 years (Relaxation in age as per CSIR norms)

Application form is attached and Applicants should be submitted by post on or before 6.3.2023 to The Scientist-in-charge, CSMCRI – Marine Algal Research Station, Mandapam camp – 623 519. Ramanathapuram District.  in the prescribed format only otherwise the candidatures will be rejected. Eligible candidates will be informed by mail on 07.03.2023.  No other communication will be allowed.

Applicants those who are working as a Project Associate / Project Assistant / Field Assistant / Research scholor or any other mode in CSIR institutions / Universities / other government organizations need to be submit No Objection Certificate from their present Project Leader or competent authority in the letter head with seal.  Candidates applying without knoweldge of their Project Leader or Competent authority, candidates will be whole responsibility for any enquiry and CSIR – CSMCRI and MARS, Mandapam will not be responsible.

Venue of the interview: Marine Algal Research Station, Mandapam camp – 623 519.   Ramanathapuram District. Tamil Nadu.   The Eligible candidates should be report at 9.00AM on 08.03.2023.    After 11.00AM candidates will not be allowed under any circumstance.   

These posts are purely temporary and therefore, not confer any right / claim implicit or explicit for any candidate for claiming extension or absorption in CSMCRI / CSIR.