Displaying 1 - 1 of 567
Displaying 561 - 567 of 567
| Patent Title
An improved process for the manufacture of precipitated silica at ambient temperature using hydrochloric acid.

| Inventors

H.M.Mody, V.M.Sheth and V.P.Pandya
Country: Indian
Patent No: 176707
Application No: 1180/DEL/1989
| Patent Title
An improved process for the preparation of aluminosilicate gel useful for the manufacture of detergent grade zeolite.

| Inventors

R.S.Somani, P.M.Oza, V.M.Sheth and V.P.Pandya
Country: Indian
Patent No: 182635
Application No: 0576/DEL/1992
| Patent Title
An improved process for the manufacture of detergent grade zeolite from aluminosilicate gel.

| Inventors

R.S.Somani, P.M.Oza, V.M.Sheth and V.P.Pandya

Country: Indian
Patent No: 182636
Application No: 0577/DEL/1992
| Patent Title
An improved electrolysis cell for the removal of BOD/COD of waste waters.

| Inventors

Country: Indian
Patent No: 180867
Application No: 0370/DEL/1991
| Patent Title
An improved process for the preparation of hydrotalcite having antacid properties.

| Inventors

P.M.Oza, S.H.Mehta, M.R.Gandhi, M.V.Sheth, J.R.Chunawala and S.D.Gomkale
Country: India
Patent No: 192 168
Application No: 1053/DEL/2000
| Patent Title
An improved process for cultivation of algae.

| Inventors

C.R.K.Reddy, O.P.Mairh, G.R.Kumar, K.Eswaran, P.V.Subba Rao, K.H.Mody and P.K.Ghosh

Country: US
Patent No:
Application No: 09/ 656,561
| Patent Title
An improved process for the preparation of chiral epoxides useful as intermediates in the synthesis of chiral drugs.

| Inventors

R.I. Kureshy, N.H. Khan, S. H. R. Abdi, S. T. Patel, P. K. Iyer, and R.V.Jasra
Country: India
Patent No: 193 314
Application No: 1161/DEL/2000