TRL Assessment Guidelines Level  - Chemical Theme Directorate (CSIR)


Basic principles observed and reported

- Literature benchmarking, possible reproduction of published data


Proof of concept and / or application formulated

- First attempts at novelty in lab, or variant of what is already known in prior art


Analytical and experimental critical function and / or characteristic proof-of-concept

- Evidence of differentiation and potential value in use. Preliminary mass and energy balance


Technology/ Component validation in laboratory environment

- Confirmation of repeatability, reproducibility and identified elements of superiority over prior art. Increase in scale to pilot plant level demonstrated infofully. Patentability search completed.


Technology/ Component validation in relevant environment

- First customer trials and feedback, or prototype/ demonstration unit for part of the entire value chain, simulating industrial conditions as specified by user(s)


Technology demonstrated in relevant environment / Pilot scale validated in relevant environment

- Operating demonstration plant at one scale below full scale; design data for full scale; economic model prepared for full scale validation


Full scale demonstration in relevant environment / Low scale pilot production demonstrated. Economics validated and confirmed by customer.


Manufacturing fully tested, validated and qualified / System complete and qualified (test and demonstration) - at this point, customer must have accepted and paid for technology, product or service


Production and product fully operational in customer-owned or customer-funded production unit;

End product supplies regularly used without quality failures

Attachment is generic; The above table is modified for specific suiting to CSIR for Chemicals Theme Directorate. You can include both.