
Project Associate-I (PA-I):

Posts: Project Associate-I (PA-I): 5 No. under R&D Seed Fund of CSIR

Advt. No.: RDSF/2024/01


No. of vacancy

Essential qualification

Monthly emoluments

Job description

Post Code: 01

(Development of Janus nanofiltration membranes and processes for the separation and enrichment of volatile fatty acids from wastewater)


M.Sc. in Physics/Chemistry from a recognized university or equivalent

(i) Rs 31000/- + HRA to scholars who are selected through (a) National eligibility tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE OR (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by central government Departments and their agencies and institutions.

(ii) Rs. 25,000/- per month + HRA who do not fall under (i) above.

Fabrication of porous polymer nanofilm composite membranes for desalination, water purification, and molecular separation.

Post Code: 02

(Development of Materials for Direct Lithium Extraction from Brine)


M.Sc. in Chemistry from a recognized university or equivalent.

(i) Rs 31000/- + HRA to scholars who are selected through (a) National eligibility tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE OR (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by central government Departments and their agencies and institutions.

(ii) Rs. 25,000/- per month + HRA who do not fall under (i) above.

Organic and material synthesis for adsorption/extraction of trace metal ions.

Post Code: 03

(Process Development for Direct Recovery of Potassium from Seawater)


M.Sc. in Chemistry from a recognized university or equivalent.

(i) Rs 31000/- + HRA to scholars who are selected through (a) National eligibility tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE OR (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by central government Departments and their agencies and institutions.

(ii) Rs. 25,000/- per month + HRA who do not fall under (i) above.

Organic/inorganic/material synthesis to be useful for selective separation of metal ions from seawater systems. 4

Age: As of the last date of receipt of application through email, maximum 35 years. Age relaxation is applicable as per the CSIR rule.

Duration: These posts are purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. The engagement of project staff in different projects either in the CSIR-CSMCRI, or different Lab/Inst. of CSIR taken together shall not exceed five years in any case. It would not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidate for claiming absorption in CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar.

Interested candidates meeting the above criteria may send the soft copy of the application form along with a passport-size photograph affixed in place and all educational certificates in a single PDF file to Dr. Santanu Karan by e-mail (santanuk@csmcri.res.in) on or before 30/04/2024. Common application form will be considered for all the advertised posts; however, candidate may mention the preference of their application against different posts by mentioning the post code in the application form.

Application received by email will be scrutinized and shortlisted based on certain criteria and only such shortlisted candidates, eligible as per criteria, will be asked to attend the interview using the online mode. The details of the interview will be sent to such candidates by e-mail.