| Title of Process/ Know-how/ Product/Design/Equipment
Low cost fluorimeter
IPR Status & Details:
Application/Uses/Problem being addressed
The device provides emission measurements at pre-set excitation wavelength by laser diode, displays sample emission counts, and concentration reading post calibration.
Salient Technical Features including Competing Features/ Impact
It has four operation modes:
Limit of Detection: 0.01 µM of Fluorescein.
The device has facility for sample excitation at 405 nm, 450 nm, 488 nm, 520 nm by swap of laser diode; although other wavelengths can also be provided. The device operates with 12Vdc power supply, hence 12V battery can directly be used for powering the device. Device can be tailored for specific applications.
TRL Level & Scale of Development:- TRL 4 TRL Reference
Manufacturing fully tested, validated and qualified / System complete and qualified (test and demonstration)
Business scope & opportunity (in terms of scale, cost, market etc.)
Substitute to commercially available costly scanning fluorimeters for diverse range of applications related to medical, biological, food, drug, agro, colleges etc.
Environmental Considerations
Status of Licensing:
Ready for licensing
Status of Commercialization:
Not applicable
Major Raw Materials Needed
Active/Passive electronic components, optoelectronics, LCD, plastics, aluminum
Major Plant Equipment and Machinery Required
Costing estimated for 50 nos. per year
Technology Package
Know-how related to product design, assembly, testing and validation