| Title of Process/ Know-how/ Product/Design/Equipment

Preparation of biodegradable thin films for food storage applications from phycocolloids obtained from seaweeds

IPR Status & Details:

US 7,067,568, WO 2006059180 A3, AU 2004325362 A1, GB 2435768 A, CN 101316865 A ; IN 1280/DEL/2005

Application/Uses/Problem being addressed

As biodegradable and eco-friendly packaging material for solid food items such as fruits, vegetables, perishable items etc.

Salient Technical Features including Competing Features/ Impact

The specification of the film: Tensile Strength; 10-14 MPa, Water vapour permeability: 0.0085 g/cm2.h-1.bar ; Moisture content = 8-10%.

  • The films are stable at ambient condition for 1-2 years without any degradation and moisture accumulation
  • These films are odourless and can be heat-sealed and pouches to store non-aqueous solvents can be prepared
  • These films are suitable to store solid food items
  • These films disintegrate in cold and hot water
  • The films are completely biodegradable.
  • TRL Level & Scale of Development:- TRL 4 TRL Reference

    Business scope & opportunity (in terms of scale, cost, market etc.)

    In recent, synthetic & non-biodegradable packaging materials are the big source of environmental pollution in the world. They (synthetic) require long time to degrade in the environment and produce toxins to organism. Hence, CSIR-CSMCRI has developed an optimized seaweed-based formulation for the preparation of biodegradable packaging materials in the form of thin films. These developed thin films are suitable for packaging non-aqueous and solid food items for long time. The process developed will reduce the demand of synthetic packaging materials in the food industries, which help to reduce environmental pollution in future. This invention has huge business opportunity in future.

    Environmental Considerations

    This process is almost effluent free

    Status of Licensing:

    Not yet licensed

    Status of Commercialization:

    Not applicable

    Major Raw Materials Needed

    Refined- & Semi-refined Kappa-carrageenan & alginates

    Major Plant Equipment and Machinery Required

    Jacketed open vessel, Closed pressure vessel, Broiler, Centrifuge /filter bed, Alcohol distillation unit, Thin film casting machine


    Not done

    Technology Package

    Demonstration of preparation of films by mold casting method and using prototype casting machine of dimension 2 ' x 3.5'/batch; Technology transfer document (TTD) having information on product specification, competition, market, details of equipment required for pilot level installation etc. along with demonstration certificate will be provided; Technical support till 6 months after know-how licensing; Appropriate discount in license fee for small scale industries/startup will be provided; Know-how licensing fee details will be provided on request.

    | Technology Photographs