06 October 2023

CSIR-CSMCRI is going to organize an Alumni Engagement Meet on 13 September 2023 (4–5 PM as per Indian Standard Time) in Virtual mode through MS Team. In this event CSMCRI-alumni will meet virtually and discuss about their journey at CSMCRI, view-point about institute and what could be done for the betterment/visibility of the institute? The aim of this meet is to develop an active alumni networking and cordial relationship not only among alumni but also between alumni and current working research scholars

-|-08 September 2023
08 August 2023
24 July 2023

ADMISSION NOTICE for AcSIR August 2023 academic session

-|-20 February 2023
12 January 2023

CSIR- Integrated Skill Initiative "FERMENTATION TECHNOLOGY "

-|-05 September 2022

Inauguration of Seed distribution of Kappaphyucs seaweed to cultivators under PMMSY project

Kappaphycus alvarezii commercial farming along Tamil Nadu coast is very common practice that caters the livelihood option for coastal community.  The coastal women are the factual choice for this practice because of their time management for both homemaking and a partial time allocation for farming work in the coast. The earning of fisherwomen from farming made self-sustain for their livelihood. However the two decades of this activity was curtailed due to seed  scarcity to pursue the cultivation. This created the hindrance for entire farming activity and further down the revenue of cultivators. To resolve the issue of seed shortage, Ministry of Fisheries and animal husbandry & Dairying, Govt of India funded the project under PMMSY exclusively to produce the seed plant of Kappaphycus seaweed and distribute to seaweed cultivators. Growth of Kappaphycus was   geared up from November 2021 and reached the biomass production of 215 tons fresh during the month of February-2022. The sizeable quantity of seed was proposed to distribute to the beneficiaries identified by the Department of fisheries and fishermen welfare, Tamil Nadu state. Fisheries Department, Ramanathapuram district has identified the   beneficiaries cultivating seaweed. An inaugural function for seed distribution was organized on 23rd April-22 in the presence of District collector Ramanathapuram, District. Seed Kappaphycus was distributed to the selected beneficiaries by the district collector Shri. Sankar Lal Kumavat IAS at PV Pattinum, near Thondi. The remaining seed plant brought in six vehicle (Nearly 12 tons fresh) were dispatched directly to cultivation sites such as Therthandam, Dhamothrapattinum Mandampam. District collector also visited the seed farm at PV. Pattinum and interacted with the cultivators. He was interested to further strengthens the activity and impart skill development on seaweed farming to the women group in order to potentially use the coastal district of Ramanathapuram coast using the district fund.

Kappaphyucs seaweed to cultivators 1
Distributing seed biomass of Kappaphycus to selected beneficiaries by the District collector, Ramanathapuram
Kappaphyucs seaweed to cultivators 2
District collector arriving at the venue P.V.Pattinum, Ramanathapuram
Kappaphyucs seaweed to cultivators 3
District collector  Visiting the cultivation farm at PV.Pattinum
Kappaphyucs seaweed to cultivators 4
District collector  Interaction with cultivators and fisheries offocials on seaweed farming and livelyhood development
Kappaphyucs seaweed to cultivators 5


Kappaphyucs seaweed to cultivators 6
Ready to dispatch the seed Kappaphycus to other villages where seed is required


Kappaphyucs seaweed to cultivators 7
Unloading the seed biomas at Mandapam coast


Kappaphyucs seaweed to cultivators 8


Kappaphyucs seaweed to cultivators 9
Meeting with invited benifciereis from different village during inaguration


Kappaphyucs seaweed to cultivators 10
Honoring District Collector by the Team members of CSIR-CSMCRI-MARS, Mandapam





-|-09 May 2022

CSIR-Integrated Skill Development Training Program : "Microalgal Diversity and Their Biotechnological Potentials"


Title of the Training Program: Microalgal Diversity and Their Biotechnological Potentials"

Duration : 14 to 16 December 2021

Last Date of Registration/Application: 20 November 2021

Last of Deposit Fees (for Selected Candidate only): 4 December 2021

(Online Transaction will only be allowed)

-|-08 November 2021

CSIR-Integrated Skill Initiative

-|-06 September 2021

Worth Their Salt (E)

A mesmerising documentary that captures the amazing story of salt. It takes the viewers to the salt desert, the Rann of Kutch in Gujarat where the agariyas toil in their farms to produce salt. Their life is hard and the Rann is hostile. But they are the traditional salt farmers with their lives tuned to the seasonal dessert. Worth their Salt explores the work being done at the Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute in Bhavnagar. The one and only CSIR Institute dedicated exclusively to salt and salt technologies. Worth Their Salt details the research and technology development by the scientists who believe that they can and they must make a difference to the lives and sustainability of the agariyas. Several path breaking technologies are being developed here. A revolution is on its way with the possible fortification of Salt with Iron to beat Anaemia, a national challenge. Worth their salt is a documentary that has something for each of us, because for each of us Salt is vital.

Watch Full Documentory On India Science

-|-02 July 2021

-|-01 July 2021

Training Program in “Theory and Practical Aspects of Household Solar Thermal Gadgets” on “Virtual / Online Mode”  12th July to 13th July 2021 and 15th July to 16th July 2021

-|-11 June 2021
Inauguration of the Seaweed Tissue Culture Laboratory

As the prelude to the ‘Inauguration of the Seaweed Tissue Culture Laboratory’ at CSIR-CSMCRI-Marine Algal Research Station, Mandapam. Scientists have distributed ‘elite tissue cultured plantlets to 50 commercial seaweed growers of Ramanathapuram District’ on 29.04.2021. Considering, covid appropriate behavior seedlings were distributed to only 20 fishermen in person, while to rest of 30 they were distributed at their respective seaweed farm. Heartiest congratulations to Dr. K. Eswaran and his team. Special appreciation to Dr. M. Ganesan for successful implementation of project for production of tissue culture progeny of Kappaphycus alvarezii

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-|-13 May 2021
Inauguration of the Seaweed Tissue Culture Laboratory

National Fisheries Development Board has sponsored the project pertaining to production of elite seedlings of Kappaphycus alvarezii to cater to the dearth of planting material to commercial seaweed growers. CSIR-CSMCRI has established seaweed Tissue Culture laboratory at our Marine Algal Research Station campus located at Mandapam Tamil Nadu. The inauguration ceremony has held on 29.03.2021 at 3 pm virtually at the hands of Dr. (Smt.) Suverna Chandrappagari, IFS, Chief Executive, National Fisheries Development Board, Hyderabad. Mr. Abhiram Seth, MD, Aquagri Processing (P) Ltd., New Delhi and Dr. CRK Reddy, CEO, Indian Center for Climate and societal Impact Research, Mandavi were invited gust for this function. On this occasion Dr. Kannan Srinivasan, Director, CSIR-CSMCRI gave felicitation address, while Dr. Arup Ghosh, Divisional Chair, Applied Phycology and Biotechnology has welcomed the delegates while, Dr. M. Ganesan, Senior Principal Scientist, MARS has conveyed the vote of thanks.

-|-13 May 2021

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